Lenovo A60 Specifications, Features, Price at Rs 12999 in India Lenovo has entered the cell phone market in India with quite a hit, by releasing five new 3G Android mobiles that span various price brackets to high end. In the nomenclature, it resembles the brand new Lenovo mobiles are divided into 4 clear lines. Three of the five apparatus feature double-SIM support too. The screen is a 5-inch IPS panel using a 1280×720 resolution (294ppi) shielded by Corning Gorilla Glass. For photography enthusiasts, there’s an 8 megapixel autofocus back camera with LED flash (and 100 shoot burst mode), and a 2 megapixel front camera for High Definition video phoning. It features 8GB of built in storage, expandable via microSD card (up to 32GB). Weighing in at 190 grams, it is 9.5mm thick, and is accessible only in black. The Lenovo K860 is the top end version in the Lenovo line that is current and can sell for Rs. 28,499 Next up, we have got S560 and the S880, featuring double- du...
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