Airtel's chief Sunil Bharti Mittal recently acknowledged the tough competition in the telecom sector induced by Reliance Jio. He went on to say that Airtel will challenge every Jio offer with a similar Airtel offer. The company was quick to follow up its promises. Airtel launched a new data scheme which challenges Jio's low rates per GB and that too, with an option of smaller packages. Jio's Rs 303 offer, so far, was uncontested by any other telecom operator in the country. However, Airtel's new offer does take on competition, rather aggressively. The new Rs 145 data pack can get you a good 14GB of data for nearly half a month. This sets a direct comparison between this offer and Jio's 1GB per day offer. For Rs 345 an Airtel user will get 1GB data which can be extended to 4GB (1GB regular pack benefit and 3GB free data). Apart from that, the pack offers free calls to any network in the country. With the Rs 145 pack you'll get free local plus STD Airtel...
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