Lenovo owned smartphone maker Moto Mobility has kept mum about its upcoming entry level smartphone Moto E4. But recently the device get spotted in FCC website. The device along with a bigger version were spotted with their battery capacities. According to the FCC website the higher version, Moto E4 Plus will pack a 5,000 mAh battery. However, the website didn’t reveal any further information about its specification. But according to a AndroidSoul report, the device was spotted in an Indonesian regulatory website P3DN along with its detail specification. According to the listing, the Moto E4 will pack a 2,300 mAh battery and come powered by a MediaTek MT6737 processor. On the memory side, the phone will pack 16GB inbuilt storage and will be available in different RAM editions up to 4GB. To keep the price low, Moto E4 will stick to a 5-inch FWVGA (854x480 pixels) display. The device will also pack a 5-megapixels camera sensor on the back of the device and a 2-megapixels camera ...
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