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Showing posts with the label How do I build a data warehouse?

How do I build a data warehouse?

The steps are as follows: Start with  understanding the process followed by the org. / company  for which you’re thinking of creating a Datawarehouse. Decide whether you need just a Database or a Data Federation or a complete Datawarehouse. Create a list of questions that you want to answer for the business  (that’ll help the business analyse data better & make better decisions using the data) through the datawarehouse. Find out the Data Source Points  & the kind of systems that the data resides in (For example, some data might be in files whereas some might be in Websites like twitter / facebook or databases such as Oracle / SQL Server / MySQL). Build a  Requirement Specification Document  & get it approved / reviewed by the Business Owners. Perform Data Modelling  to create a set of tables that you’d need in the Datawarehouse / Database. Also define the kind of dimensions (Slowly Changing, Degenerated, Conformed, Static, etc) ...