The steps are as follows: Start with understanding the process followed by the org. / company for which you’re thinking of creating a Datawarehouse. Decide whether you need just a Database or a Data Federation or a complete Datawarehouse. Create a list of questions that you want to answer for the business (that’ll help the business analyse data better & make better decisions using the data) through the datawarehouse. Find out the Data Source Points & the kind of systems that the data resides in (For example, some data might be in files whereas some might be in Websites like twitter / facebook or databases such as Oracle / SQL Server / MySQL). Build a Requirement Specification Document & get it approved / reviewed by the Business Owners. Perform Data Modelling to create a set of tables that you’d need in the Datawarehouse / Database. Also define the kind of dimensions (Slowly Changing, Degenerated, Conformed, Static, etc) ...
IT Minds is the part of sukanisoft and is software development company. Which provides the development training and recruitments.