iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus review: The best iPhones Apple has made 's tough meeting expectations years after year. And yet, Apple keeps doing it, although no longer as effortlessly as it would do earlier in this decade. The company launched the iPhone 7 and the iPhone 7 Plus on October 7 in the Indian market, a month after the global announcement of the two phones. These are the phones that look like incremental update to the iPhone 6S and the iPhone 6S Plus. But looks can be deceiving. And they surely are in this case. Of late, the iPhone is facing tough challenge from others in the market. The Galaxy S7 arguably has a better design. The Samsung phone also has better screen and, in most cases, better camera. Google's Nexus phones have better software. The HTC offers better sound in its high-end phones. The Sony phones are waterproof. All of this puts the iPhone at a back-foot. The good thing is that Apple knows these challenges and is meeting them head-on with t...
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