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When it comes to wrangling data at scale, R, Python, Scala, and Java have you covered -- mostly

When it comes to wrangling data at scale, R, Python, Scala, and Java have you covered -- mostly You have a big data project. You understand the problem domain, you know what infrastructure to use, and maybe you've even decided on the framework you will use to process all that data, but one decision looms large: What language should I choose? (Or perhaps more pointed: What language should I force all my developers and data scientists to suffer?) It's a question that can be put off for only so long. [ Download the InfoWorld quick guide:  Learn to crunch big data with R . | Sign up for  InfoWorld's Big Data Report  to stay atop all the latest news and developments in the field. ] Sure, there's nothing stopping you from doing big data work with, say, XSLT transformations (a good April Fools' suggestion for tomorrow, simply to see the looks on everybody's faces). But in general, there are three languages of choice for big data these days -- R, Python, and Sca...

Stack Overflow Survey 2016

Stack Overflow Survey 2016 — JavaScript Continues To Rule The Web In  Stack Overflow survey  for 2016, 56,033 coders took part from 173 countries. They were asked 45 questions that covered a wide range of topics. In this article, we’ll tell you about some interesting findings. In January 2016, more than 45 million opened Stack Overflow in their web browsers to ask a question or answer something asked by a fellow developer. Most respondents identify themselves as full-stack developers with a number as high as 28%, followed by back-end web developers with 12.2%. About 11.4% percent participants call themselves a student, followed by 8.4% developers who are indulged in Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and multi-platform development. If we move to the section where we’ll talk about the most used technologies, JavaScript continues to rule the web. It’s still the most popular programming language for web development with 55.4% people saying that they code in JavaScript. Thi...

This Facebook co-founder learned to code in 2 days

This Facebook co-founder learned to code in 2 days agine spending a few days to learn a new programming language which would later turn you into a billionaire. Back in 2005, when Facebook was a tiny startup with 50 people, CEO  Mark Zuckerberg  was invited to give a lecture at his old school Harvard. He was such a relative nobody at that time that hardly anybody showed up to hear him. But the lecture was posted a couple of years ago on YouTube and it's kind of fun to listen to it now, with 20/20 hindsight. In 2005, Facebook was making some waves in its world. It was a social network for college students that had spread to 2,000 schools and was generating around 400 million page views a day, Zuckerberg told the audience. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has one rule for hiring That was, he estimated, more page views than Google was doing back then. (Remember in 2005, Yahoo was still a big deal for searching the 'net and was considered one of the huge successful intern...
10 Reasons Why Big Data Analytics is the Best Career Move 1. Soaring Demand for Analytics Professionals: Jeanne Harris, senior executive at Accenture Institute for High Performance, has stressed the significance of analytics professionals by saying, “…data is useless without the skill to analyze it.” There are more job opportunities in Big Data management and Analytics than there were last year and many IT professionals are prepared to invest time and money for the training. The job trend graph for Big Data Analytics, from, proves that there is a growing trend for it and as a result there is a steady increase in the number of job opportunities. The current demand for qualified data professionals is just the beginning. Srikanth Velamakanni, the Bangalore-based cofounder and CEO of CA headquartered Fractal Analytics states: “In the next few years, the size of the analytics market will evolve to at least one-thirds of the global IT market from the cu...

What is the difference between Hive and MongoDb

Hive: Hive is an external tool which works only with Hadoop framework. Hive is open source software by Apache software foundation. Earlier it was the Facebook who developed this Query based dataware housing on top of HDFS( Hadoop Distributed  File System ) Hive is not an NoSql database like MongoDB Hive used for data processing used only in Hadoop. Hive can load the data from external file. Hive has partitioning and bucketing technique to divide the data on the basis of particular keyword The partitioning will help to lead data faster ***************************************************************************************** MongoDB: MongoDB is also an open source software but not maintained by Apache It is managed by MongoDB Unversity Certification for this was free but now we need to pay for MongoDB certification MongoDb has its own server to manage the MongoDB database MongoDB is an NoSQL database MongoDB stores its data in file whereas Hive st...

SSkill-building requires practice.

S Skill-building requires practice. S Skill-building requires practice. In most endeavors, those who want to improve take this as self-evident. Big tasks are routinely broken into small elements that can be worked on over and over again: scales in music, tight moguls in skiing, certain board situations in chess. Yet this rarely happens in management, even though we must develop and integrate dozens of discrete skills. Some are almost universally required — for instance, setting goals, coordinating across units, and intervening when a subordinate’s performance is slipping. Others are job-specific, such as critiquing complex project plans and negotiating deals with suppliers and customers. Any organization can identify the elements that matter most to its managers’ success and help people work on developing them. But a common obstacle is the way most managerial work is organized. There are few opportunities to practice critical skills because many of them are used infrequentl...