How To Disable USB Port In Windows No One Can Steal Your Data Have you ever realised the insecurity whenever your relative or friends use your computer without taking your prior permission? may be yes, because you may have your confidential files and other documents which you really don’t want to open publically. If you really want to block your USB port in your Windows then you should follow the process and instruction we have provided below, the instruction will lead you, that how can it be possible, you can really block your USB port and later on, you can able to unblock it. There are three best methods in which you can block your USB port: 1. Block By Changing The Registry 2. Block By Disabling USB Device Manager 3. Block By Uninstalling Your USB Mass Storage Drivers To Analysis Your Steps On Every Methods! Follow the below instruction in 3 Methods! #1 Block USB Port By Changing The Registry In this process you can change your registry value so that you can blo...