v: This command lists the contents of a directory.
vdir: Same as above.
vi: This is a text editor.
vmstat: This command will report on the virtual memory statistics.
wait: This command directs the system to wait for a process to finish.
watch: This command will display or execute a program periodically.
wc: This command prints the word, byte and line counts.
whereis: This command will search a user’s $path, source files and man pages
which: This command searches only for a user’s $path for a program.
while: Use this to execute commands.
who: This command will print the usernames that are currently logged into the system.
whoami: This is a command that prints the current name and user id.
wget: This will retrieve the web pages or files through HTTP, HTTPS or FTP.
write: Use this to send messages to other users.
xargs: This command execute’s a utility and passes a constructed argument list.
xdg-open: This lets you open an URL or a file in the user's preferred application.
yes: This command will print a string until it is interrupted.
v: This command lists the contents of a directory.
vdir: Same as above.
vi: This is a text editor.
vmstat: This command will report on the virtual memory statistics.
wait: This command directs the system to wait for a process to finish.
watch: This command will display or execute a program periodically.
wc: This command prints the word, byte and line counts.
whereis: This command will search a user’s $path, source files and man pages
which: This command searches only for a user’s $path for a program.
while: Use this to execute commands.
who: This command will print the usernames that are currently logged into the system.
whoami: This is a command that prints the current name and user id.
wget: This will retrieve the web pages or files through HTTP, HTTPS or FTP.
write: Use this to send messages to other users.
xargs: This command execute’s a utility and passes a constructed argument list.
xdg-open: This lets you open an URL or a file in the user's preferred application.
yes: This command will print a string until it is interrupted.